Thursday, February 28, 2013


These photographs were taken to interpret the word pattern.

Chicken Coop
         This was a chicken coop before we moved in but it hasn't been used in several year. This summer I think my dad and I are going to fix it up and use it for a shed. In this picture I like how the red paint has only been the only thing painted. The windows are chicken wire that is all busted. There is a boat and the hitch that I really don't like. 

Old Brick House
           This house has been here sense we have moved in to our house across the pond. I thought that this had a man made type of pattern with how the brick are laying. This house is a very old style home all of the windows either have a crack or are completely broken the door has also just broke right off the hinges and everything. My favorite part in this photo is the part that is in focus and how it gradually gets more and more out of focus. The secondary subject is the window. The thing i don't like is the white dripping down the side of the house.

       In this photo the tree was a super long tree and my camera was facing the sky. This photo I like how the branch and the pine up above it blended together but they are two separate trees. The part that i dislike the most is the white in the corner.

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