Thursday, March 7, 2013

Replace a Sky

 These photos were taken to represent "replace a sky" 

Right before sun set 
                This photo was taken from the roof of my house. About five minutes before the sun set. In this picture I really like how everything goes together. I don't like how the red glare was in the picture I think it kind of ruins the picture. Not to many people would like this picture but This and the one below are two of my favorite pictures that I have taken this year. 

               This photo was also taken on the roof of my house I thought it would be a good idea to get to about the same level as the trees in the background. By this time I was freezing cold with my hands on the camera. I really like the color of the sun and the sky. In the middle of the picture there seems to be a glare that I don't like it takes away from the beauty of the photo. 

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