Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Texture

             When I think about winter texture i think ice with lots of bumps and mostly I think of tire tracks in the snow. There are usually a tun of them by my house but I didn't like how any of them turned out. Two of these picture I have to give credit to my mom because she helped me take them.  

       In this photo there is ice around the water and we like to keep our pond by our house aerated so the   fish stay alive during the winter. This photo has two sides to it there is the icy and cold side and there is the water that makes us all think of summer. I love how the water and ice looked as they came together with all of the cracks. I think if I would have just made the picture of the ice and water instead of the snow it may look better.

      This photo was taken under my porch by the bottom patio. Icicles are my favorite part of winter because they are so pretty just hanging there with the light sparkling off of them. In this photo there is trees on the bottom that I really don't like. The icicles are attached to the wood is what i think worked well in this photo. I took this picture because I think of the bumps on the icicles for texture.

Trees draped with snow

       This photo is a small part of a very large tree I couldn't get the whole tree in the photo so I took a close up. There is some snow in the background that looks really good. If there wasn't a part of the branch that was blurry it might have looked even better. This picture was taken because I love when a big snow storm happens then you go out side the next morning and all the trees are white. 

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