Thursday, February 28, 2013


These photographs were taken to interpret the word pattern.

Chicken Coop
         This was a chicken coop before we moved in but it hasn't been used in several year. This summer I think my dad and I are going to fix it up and use it for a shed. In this picture I like how the red paint has only been the only thing painted. The windows are chicken wire that is all busted. There is a boat and the hitch that I really don't like. 

Old Brick House
           This house has been here sense we have moved in to our house across the pond. I thought that this had a man made type of pattern with how the brick are laying. This house is a very old style home all of the windows either have a crack or are completely broken the door has also just broke right off the hinges and everything. My favorite part in this photo is the part that is in focus and how it gradually gets more and more out of focus. The secondary subject is the window. The thing i don't like is the white dripping down the side of the house.

       In this photo the tree was a super long tree and my camera was facing the sky. This photo I like how the branch and the pine up above it blended together but they are two separate trees. The part that i dislike the most is the white in the corner.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Winter Light

These photographs were taken of a mean to me about winter light. Last weekend there wasn't much sun but I created my own. 


         This photo was taken of my dads truck with the snow and dirt mixed together makes me think of back roads. The back roads this time of year a glazed with ice. Not to many people would like this but it caught my eye. 

There is a Wolf in the Woods 
       This photo my dad took me for a ride on there four wheeler and he stopped and looked down I said what are you doing he said come look at this. I did and I am really afraid of wolfs and I said lets go back to the house. But of course he had to follow the tracks to where there was no more. 

         This photo was just at the right time kind a photo. there wasn't to much snow but there was some. Earlier in the summer there was a huge spider web here and now its gone because of winter and of course I would think that the spider is now in our house. 

Professional Photographers

Kurt Ross:
           Kurt Ross's work is really good all of the colors caught my eye and how the pictures looked as if they were taken at exactly the right time. In some ways I think I may relate to his work in the colors and the landscaping. In his photos there is so much  beauty, texture, and color. There is so much to look at in one of his individual photos that it is almost endless. Kurt's photos really speak to me in ways that i can not describe. In some of his photos there is landscapes, some have close ups of flowers, and some of things that you would find around the house. Some people would say that they don't like Kurt Ross's 
photos but I love all of his pictures they are great.

                                                                                                                        THE LANDSCAPING



Jim Brandenburg: 

    Jim Brandenburg is a very good photographer. His work is mostly landscaping but it is also animals and close ups of some flowers. His photos remind me of spiring/summer. There is a lot of meaning behind his pictures also. How the animals are all looking away from the camera is really interesting. There is so much to look at all of his pictures are taken perfectly, and I really love how all of his pictures come together. Every person is different in there own way and I think that Jim Brandenburg put his difference into the pictures he takes. 



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Texture

             When I think about winter texture i think ice with lots of bumps and mostly I think of tire tracks in the snow. There are usually a tun of them by my house but I didn't like how any of them turned out. Two of these picture I have to give credit to my mom because she helped me take them.  

       In this photo there is ice around the water and we like to keep our pond by our house aerated so the   fish stay alive during the winter. This photo has two sides to it there is the icy and cold side and there is the water that makes us all think of summer. I love how the water and ice looked as they came together with all of the cracks. I think if I would have just made the picture of the ice and water instead of the snow it may look better.

      This photo was taken under my porch by the bottom patio. Icicles are my favorite part of winter because they are so pretty just hanging there with the light sparkling off of them. In this photo there is trees on the bottom that I really don't like. The icicles are attached to the wood is what i think worked well in this photo. I took this picture because I think of the bumps on the icicles for texture.

Trees draped with snow

       This photo is a small part of a very large tree I couldn't get the whole tree in the photo so I took a close up. There is some snow in the background that looks really good. If there wasn't a part of the branch that was blurry it might have looked even better. This picture was taken because I love when a big snow storm happens then you go out side the next morning and all the trees are white. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Texture in photography


Texture I by Reality Dream 


Texture I by BlayneNightpaw


The Mist by Darius Sinkevicius


Textures by KuuFi 


Psalm 103 texture by Achel

Composition in Photography


The turtle's eye is in the thirds position.
Julie Waterhouse Photography


The Fibonacci spiral in action.
 Julie Waterhouse Photography


This photo has no specific title.