Monday, January 28, 2013

Open Theme #1


        This photo was taken at Hancock Fabrics, the color and the look of it caught my eye. The way it was just laying there like nobody had touched it. The main subject is how the blue and the orangish fabric colors seemed to be untouched. The secondary subject is the shiny, wooden chair. The part that worked well is how the colors seemed to blend together well. The picture could have been better by making it straighter and not having the chair be in the picture. The assignment was open theme so i choose to use fabrics.

                                                                 School Colors

         This photo reminds me of our school, because our colors are red, black, and white. The second black is the secondary subject because it is more out of focus. The red and black seems to me like one piece of fabric but they are both separate that is what  think worked well in this photo. The second black could have been cropped off. This picture seemed to me bright and colorful.

                                                                  So Many Colors

           I love that in this photo there are so many different colors and they all lay a different way. The main subject is how most of the colors correspond with each other. There are no secondary subjects in this photo. What I think worked well in this photograph is how the fabrics are laying with no effort. If some of the colors were not in the photo i thing it would have been much nicer. The assignment was open theme.

                                                  There Is Nothing Better Than Camouflage!
           My two favorite colors are camouflage and blaze orange and my favorite sport is hunting  isn't that weird. In this photograph I love how there are different types of camouflage. There is an orange/yellow fabric in the back that i would say is secondary subject. The camouflage pops out of the picture. If the first fabric  wasn't there the picture might look better. 

          This picture was just how the look of it made me think. The main subject is white. There are no secondary subjects in this picture. The bottom middle part is all scrunched together and have no shape but that is my favorite part. If there was a secondary subject in this picture it may have looked nicer. The creamy color caught my eye.

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