Friday, May 3, 2013

Urban Decay!

On the other side of my families land we have a old bar and everything that comes with is. From old milk coolers too the old hay that is still in there. 

This is an old door handle that is on the brick house. I like how there is some green from the old paint. I don't like how we cant even open this door. 

This is an old water spout that is still working but the water is gross.

This is an old sewing machine that I found in the barn that fell down. 

This is part of the barn I think is goes with the decay because the log is crumbling. 

This is also pat of the l but this part connects to the silo.

This was in the barn was I think it is an old rope thing. 


  1. The second from the bottom is a favorite-I think you could crop off the left side and have an even strong design-there is a lot going on in that photo, so a little simplification would help it.
