Thursday, March 28, 2013


For this assignment we walked down to the feildhouse to take pictures of the six grader! This was one of my favorite assignments because we got to do it in class  

These photos were my favorites out of all the ones I had downloaded. One of the boys had a great expression on his face and the other one didn't. The one that didn't I must have took 15 pictures of him he never once and an good expression, its like he doesn't like skating! When i was younger i always loved to go skating!

Animal Morph

This is my animal morph! We had to take our own picture and a picture of an animal. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Replace a Sky

 These photos were taken to represent "replace a sky" 

Right before sun set 
                This photo was taken from the roof of my house. About five minutes before the sun set. In this picture I really like how everything goes together. I don't like how the red glare was in the picture I think it kind of ruins the picture. Not to many people would like this picture but This and the one below are two of my favorite pictures that I have taken this year. 

               This photo was also taken on the roof of my house I thought it would be a good idea to get to about the same level as the trees in the background. By this time I was freezing cold with my hands on the camera. I really like the color of the sun and the sky. In the middle of the picture there seems to be a glare that I don't like it takes away from the beauty of the photo.