Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Subject!

       This photo is one of my favorites because who doesn't like sitting out my the fire on a nice summer night? I love the way all of the pictures came together to create one bigger photo. Me and my family built as a temporary fire pit it was really fun! I can't wait to light this up this summer!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Typical Day!

            This is my day, I get ready in the morning then my mom drives me to school. Usually we see deer in the morning. As we pull up to school and i get out of the car I walk to the freshman hallway and sit with my friends. After a while we hear the bells ringing and we go to our first hour classes. First hour is photography for me , second hour I have science, third hour i have study hall, fourth hour I have Wisconsin History, Then I have lunch. After lunch I have Spanish, sixth hour I have English, seventh hour I am off to study hall again but this time with Mrs. Mikevit, then to algebra. After the day is all done i go home and go play with my dog outside in the puddles.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013


These photos made me think warmth because when the fishing pole comes out and the pond starts rising I think SUMMER!!!! 

This is my dad and my little cousin Easton. He is the cutest little boy ever. The past week I watched him almost every day. I like these photos because it was Easton's first time fishing and he got to spend a little bonding time with my dad, usually that I am the only one who spends time out side with my dad because my brothers are to lazy!